Problems - prevention, problem solving, damage control and insurance against loss/damage .
From our experience and survey with various clients we have adopted many tactics and controls in order to prevent problems from occurring, this inevitably avails us to providing our clients with smooth operation of their business as we have taken the problems of personnel management away from them.
Example :
From our experience and survey with various clients we have adopted many tactics and controls in order to prevent problems from occurring, this inevitably avails us to providing our clients with smooth operation of their business as we have taken the problems of personnel management away from them.
Example :
- In the event that an employees is unable to turn up for work what ever the reason, IBOS is able to provide a temporary replacement in the shortest period of time in order to limit any disruption that may be caused to the client.
- In order to maintain the highest service levels of the outsource manpower, IBOS will from time to time contract the client (Supervisor) to inquire on the progress, capabilities and appropriateness of the personnel. In the event of any problems IBOS will immediately provide solutions to the client to choose from.
- Occasionally IBOS executive will conduct unscheduled audit / inspection of the outsource manpower (personnel) in order to ensure that personnel are providing the client with professional services as per agreed terms.
- IBOS will provide a dedicated staff coordinator to the client, in order to serve the client’s needs.
- IBOS will make arrangements for a suggestion box to be placed at the client place of work so that outsource personnel may air their thoughts and feelings freely. This has proven to be useful in improving the methods of work and in some instants has resulted in the avoidance of problems.
- Without notice in the event that the client is in need of additional personnel, IBOS has the means to provide the required personnel at the shortest period of time at no extra charge.